On 24 February, the president of Russia, Vladimir Putin, sent Russian soldiers to invade Ukraine. There has been bombing and fighting across the country. Many people have had to leave their homes. Many have fled to other countries.
To support this crisis a call for donations of food, medicine and toiletries was sent out and an overwhelming amount of supplies and donations were received. These have now been sorted and sent to Ukraine to help with the aid effort. A thank you to all those involved.
On Wednesday 9th March the BHCET family paused at three points in the day to prayer and reflect on the conflict in Ukraine, sending prayers of peace and love to all those that are affected.
At each point in the day there was a focus on the different areas of the conflict;
9am - The Problem
- Praying that the fighting will end
- Inviting the peace of Christ to reign across Ukraine, bringing an end to war
- Asking the Lord to protect all people
12 Noon - The People
- God’s protection for those who are living in Ukraine, and those who have been displaced
- God’s healing for those wounded by attacks, and comfort for those who are mourning the loss of those they love
- Pray for those living in Russia who have also been plunged into the reality of war; who are now facing uncertainty, financial insecurity and hardship
2:45pm - The Politicians and Peacemakers
- Inviting the Holy Spirit that a peaceful solution will be proposed and accepted
- Pray for wisdom and discernment for world leaders as they try to find peaceful and long-term solutions to this crisis
God of love,
We pray for peace in our world, and an end to war, especially in Ukraine.
Instead of hatred, let there be love.
Shelter Your children and protect us.
Guide us and keep us from harm,
so we can build a world of love and live our lives in peace.
May all world leaders work together to resolve conflict with words and actions inspired by Your love for all people.
Our Lady, Queen of Peace, Pray for us.