St. John’s Catholic School & Sixth Form College is proud to announce that their recent Ofsted inspection has confirmed it continues to be a ‘Good’ school. The comprehensive report praises the school for its unwavering dedication to its students, stating, "The school is committed to serving its pupils, to provide them with a high-quality and well-rounded education.” This commitment is reflected in the positive feedback from both students and parents, with many expressing their gratitude for the staff who go ‘above and beyond’ to support them.


The report states that St. John's has "high aspirations for students" and "is a school where students are safe and cared for well.” Striving to inspire each individual to achieve their full potential, the school also offers “a wide range of exciting and worthwhile educational experiences”, from academic clubs and sports teams, to cultural trips and creative arts programmes. These opportunities "enrich learning and support students’ personal development”, ensuring that students receive a well-rounded education that prepares them for future success. The report also highlights the success of the school’s bid to the Turing Scheme, which has provided students with unique opportunities for cultural visits to Canada, America, and Europe. 


Inspectors describe the school as a "calm and orderly" environment with a "broad curriculum" and an "inclusive community where diversity is valued." They also acknowledge that the school maintains "high expectations for behaviour, and lessons are productive." The report highlights the positive working relationships between students and staff, which foster an environment where students can achieve well. In the sixth form, students benefit from a "wide range of subjects and qualifications" and are "supported very well to meet the increased academic demands of sixth-form learning.” Furthermore, the report notes that "students study a programme that helps them make informed decisions about their future learning, training, and/or employment." It also recognises that "staff are proud to work at the school" and that "leaders support them well with their workload and well-being."


Headteacher Lisa Byron thanked staff, governors, parents, carers, students and the wider community for contributing towards the school's success. She said: "We are delighted with the inspectors’ positive feedback as they continue to judge St. John’s as a “Good” school. The report highlights many wonderful things about our learning community and is testimony to everyone’s hard work, commitment and willingness to go the extra mile for every child in our care. "We are dedicated to providing a caring and aspirational learning community where our students are at the heart of everything that we do.  We will continue to nurture and guide our young people to become confident learners who are inspired to excel both within and beyond St. John’s."