Pupils at Our Lady & St. Thomas Catholic Primary School have enjoyed an exciting and enriching British Science Week, taking part in a wide range of STEM activities and scientific investigations designed to promote curiosity, creativity, and a love of learning.

Throughout the week, Years 5 and 6 worked towards their STEM passports, completing a series of engaging challenges. They took part in an AI in sustainability lesson, where they explored the impact of food waste and designed their own inventions to help reduce it. Their creativity and teamwork were further tested through a LEGO structural challenge, which required them to consider stability, design, and collaboration under a time constraint. To enhance their scientific knowledge, they also selected science books of their choice and shared interesting facts with their peers.

Class 4 explored the human immune system, learning how antigens and antibiotics help fight illnesses. They also studied animal adaptations, researching how different species survive and thrive in their environments. Their studies included a focus on zoologists and immunologists, giving pupils insight into real-world scientific careers.

Class 3 became young physicists, investigating how to change the size of shadows through fair testing and accurate recording of their results. They also spent time exploring animal adaptations, researching how creatures have evolved to suit their habitats.

Meanwhile, Class 1 fully embraced their dinosaur adventures, learning fascinating facts about the prehistoric giants and building an impressive knowledge of dinosaur names. The class also carried out a range of scientific experiments, sparking their curiosity and enthusiasm for discovery.

In Nursery, children took part in a hands-on exploration of stick insects, learning about their lifestyle and how to care for them. Some of the children showed great confidence by bravely holding the insects, demonstrating their growing curiosity and respect for living creatures.

Bishop Hogarth Catholic Education Trust is proud of the enthusiasm and engagement shown by the pupils and staff at Our Lady & St. Thomas throughout British Science Week. The activities provided valuable learning experiences and inspired a deeper interest in science helping to develop the skills and knowledge of the next generation of scientists.